Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I'm on my second attempt at infusing vodka right now.  I was impressed at my first attempt.  The first thing I did was to do some internet research on the topic, how to do it, what type of alcohol to use, and what to use to infuse. 

After my initial research, I decided on infusing vodka.  Vodka is the easiest to infuse since its the clearest, most neutral spirit.  The actual idea behind vodka is to make it neutral and purify it as much as possible anyway.  Its also a clear spirit, so when infused, the colored tint would show from whatever you used to infuse it with.  I decided to go with Smirnoff, not too cheap, but not too expensive either.  If you think about it, most spirits, aside from vodka, have flavor already imparted on them.  Gin, as an example, has a variety of berries (juniper being a common one) and spices in its flavor.

Once I decided on a spirit, I needed to decide what to infuse it with.  Green seedless grapes were the winner.  I chose them because they were easy to use, and cheap.  In the future, I'd like to use bacon, mango, and other more interesting flavor profiles. 

The process, once you've decided what products to use is relatively simple. 
1) Wash and dry the grapes (poke a small hole in each one) and the mason jar.
2) Once dry, put the grapes into the jar and fill to the top.  Seal the jar.
3) Wait a few days, 3-5, and maybe up to a week.  The longer you wait and the more grapes you use, the stronger the grape flavor will be.
4) Take a secondary jar and pour the liquid through a strainer to catch the grapes. 
5) Filter using a coffee filter, multiple times if necessary.
6) Drink :-)

It will have a yellowish, greenish tint to it.  I tried it straight and it was quite strong.  We ended up trying it with lemonade and it was very tasty.  Now go forth mix masters and find make your home made brew.  Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon.

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