Monday, November 29, 2010

Re: Guys' Night

I'd like to start out by saying thank you to Melissa for appreciating and understanding what guy's night is all about and the therapeutic effects it can have on you.  All the shit we do and talk about is for the sake of amusement, that's it!  There's no big mystery, no big conspiracy, we're not hiding anything, nor are we trying to get away from the ladies.  MOST of the time we're doing 'guy' stuff that girls don't often like doing, i.e. poker, smoking cigars, playing video games, telling jokes, trying to one up each other, telling the same old story for the hundredth time, etc.  Now of course we do drink and head to the bars and sometimes things can get a little out of hand and those times of course are the ones we live to regret.  Its why girls are always so apprehensive when they hear there's gonna be a guys night. That being said, I LOVE guys night and hope to have many more to come.  Ladies, you know we have love for you!

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